The Marriage Tribunal, as an ecclesiastical court, adjudicates ordinary contentious trials, including marriage invalidity cases and documentary cases associated with marriage law in conjunction with the promoter of justices and the defender of the Bond. The Judicial Vicar reports directly to the Bishop on matters concerning canonical trials, supervises the canonical staff, and works directly with the Tribunal Director for the administration of personnel, budget and administrative matters.
The Judicial Vicar (Officialis), as the chief judge of the Tribunal, is assisted by the Adjutant Judicial Vicar (Vice-Officialis). The Tribunal Director, other judges, assessors, auditors, advocates and notaries assist in processing the investigation of invalidity cases and the judicial services of the Tribunal. Although the Bishop can reserve certain cases to himself the decisions of the Judicial Vicar cannot be appealed by the Bishop but must instead be appealed to the Appellate Court.