World Mission Sunday is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. The World Mission Sunday celebration highlights the outreach of local churches through priests, religious and laity among the poor and marginalized half a world away.
World Mission Sunday is celebrated annually on the next-to-the last Sunday every October. Your prayers and generous financial support directly benefit the Mission church – and helps deepen your relationship with Jesus by helping so many missionaries around the world.
· First, after placing your envelope in the collection basket, your pastor sends the total offerings to the diocesan office of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
· The director of the diocesan mission office then sends your donation (all donations received for WMS) to the Pontifical Mission Societies national office located in New York City.
· Each spring, the Pontifical Mission Societies’ national directors travel to Rome, Italy, to meet other national directors from around the world. At this meeting, all directors report on the offerings made by the faithful of their countries.
· Know your offerings bring with it the Good News of Jesus Christ and His message of Peace and Hope. Your gift of $25 supports a mission catechist for one month; $100 provides for the work of Religious Sisters or is a month’s help for a village mission. Always, your prayers are your most treasured gift to the Missions.