What is Missionary Childhood? Founded in France by Bishop Charles Forbin Janson in 1843, he was determined to aid the most helpless and underserved of those he met - the children. Today the Missionary Childhood Association is one of our Church’s four Pontifical Mission Societies, with the mandate of educating children about their part in the Church’s missionary work. Also known as “Children Helping Children”.
The Missionary Childhood Association focuses on the spread of the Gospel and the importance of prayer (including praying the World Mission Rosary) and helps to instill a desire to spread the healing message of Jesus to those who need it most in missionary lands. Catholic children worldwide are taught, as part of their faith formation, to heed the words of Jesus when he said, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (MT 28:19-20). MCA members are asked to walk in faithful solidarity with children in Africa, Asia, Latin and South America, and the Pacific Islands.
Children learn about their brothers and sisters around the world who cannot count on the things we take for granted such as healthy food, medicine and education, and the knowledge that God loves them. Therefore, the Missionary Childhood asks us to pray one Hail Mary every day as part of a daily routine for the missionary children of the world.
Each MCA member is asked to spend some time each year financially sacrificing to help make a difference in the lives of mission children. The MCA provides a Mite Box (a bank) which is a way for a child to save his/her donation for the missions. Contributions should come from child’s own sacrifice of time, talent, and treasure (doing chores, saving on treats normally spent, etc.). The school/parish donations are then sent to the Diocese of Fresno, MCA written on the check memo line. Annually all donations collected by the Diocese of Fresno are sent to the PMS National Office.
For each school year, the MCA produces mission education programs from kindergarten through grade 8. Visit www.missio.org/resources for many more resources for children to assist in their formation as missionary disciples. Take a glimpse of some of the children’s activities, click to open!
For current MCA information, log on to their website: www.onefamilyinmission.org and click on MCA. Sign on under your school or parish name. Contact the Mission Office Coordinator for more information on ordering supplies.
The Pontifical National Office is in the process of reviewing all MCA materials for the Fall Season.
There is a limited number of supplies currently available. Mite Boxes, Posters, Prayer Cards are free with A $10.00 flat shipping charge for your complete order. World Mission Rosaries are $5 each, no shipping charges for all WM Rosaries ordered. A World Mission Rosary DVD is available for free download.