Bishop Brenann gathered with supports and members of the Bakersfield Catholic community on Sunday, March 5, 2023, on a barren plot of land south of Vega Meadow Road and east of Renfro Road in Bakersfield.
The 55 acres of dirt in northwest Bakersfield will be transformed into the sacred site of the Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery, serving the Catholic community.
Bishop Brennan, Rev. Larry Tosehi, Rev. Msgr. Perry Kavookjian, Director of Fresno Catholic Cemeteries Carlos Rascon and field supervisor Alvaro J. Alvarez turn over dirt during the groundbreaking of Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery in northwest Bakersfield on Sunday.
Rod Thornburg / For The Californian
At the groundbreaking for Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery, Bishop Brennan, Director of Fresno Catholic Cemeteries Carlos Rascon and representative for Kern County Supervisor Phillip Peters take time for photos.
Rod Thornburg / For The Californian
Bishop Brennan blesses people during the groundbreaking of the Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery.
Rev. Msgr. Perry Kavookjian, pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, holds the water.
Rod Thornburg / For The Californian